Listen to oral histories conducted by the Natomas Historical Society (NHS) from 1996 to 2012. The records of these interviews were donated to the Center for Sacramento History in 2015. The majority of interviewees came from farming or ranching families who arrived in Natomas in the first half of the 20th century. Several are from Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Mexican immigrant families. These interviews focus on what life was like in rural Natomas before the area was developed, including Natomas’ early schools, agriculture and farming practices, social life, flooding, and businesses, and the impact development had on residents’ lives. Several interviews with more recent Natomas residents discuss the area during and after development, the creation of the contemporary schools, and the Virgin Sturgeon marina and restaurant. Most interviews are conducted by former NHS president Anne Ofsink, who also transcribed them. NHS donated the interviews to the Center for Sacramento History in 2015. Listen to oral histories and read transcripts here.
The following images were provided by the Center for Sacramento History:

Oliver tractor, steel lugged wheels before pneumatic tires, pulling bean harvester, a very compact model for the times." Three workers quite visible. 1920's and 1930's

High water leading to Natomas Blvd., April 22, 1935.

"Sewing and filling sacks, probably grain. See scale behind sewer. One worker sitting and sewing, another standing and filling equipment surrounding them. 1920's and 1930's

Hooverville at the edge of Gardenland. Looking north from the Natomas levee (new Garden Highway) 1940

Jefferson School 1950

Fred Jones on homemade mower. It was not uncommon for farmers in Natomas to fabricate their own farm vehicles. Ed Witter had one too, combination mower and buckrake. 1920's and 1930's